Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thrifty Thursday

With the economy being is such bad shape we all are doing anything we can to help pay the bills or have a little money to do something fun. There are numerous websites out there that with a little time can earn you some money or gift cards. If you haven't joined the following sites take a minute to check them out. You won't make big money but it does ad up and if you are like us every penny counts.
This is a site where they send you a product and you do reviews about it. You earn points for the reviews which you can cash in for gift cards or even money to your paypal account.
This is a site where you apply for a party. They send you the product, you have a party to show it off and post pictures.

This is a site where you can do searches daily. You can win points 3-4 times a day just by searching. You can also do surveys and other activities to earn points. The points can be cashed in for gift cards.

<a href=""><img alt="Generic125x125" src="" /></a>

This site can earn you free samples and parties to host. You can earn points very quicky and daily by doing short surveys. These can also be cashed in for gift cards.

This site goes hand in hand with Bzz Agent but you can also do surveys here and different activites to earn points. You can also earn points by shopping online. These points can be cashed in for gift cards.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't officially done this but a friend told me about an app on Facebook called "endorse". You basically pick all the places you like and go to regularly (Walmart, Starbucks, McDonalds, etc). Then whenever you go to those places, keep the receipts. When you acquire a bunch of receipts, you mail them to Endorse. They will then send you a certain amount of money for each receipt! Like I said, haven't done it, but my friend swears by it!
